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Calculate and compare indexed univeral life insurance to other plans and investments:

Use the form below to see how Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) compares to other traditional plans, such as:

  • IUL vs Taxable Investments
  • IUL vs Qualified Plans
  • IUL vs Roth IRA
  • IUL vs 401k
  • Life Insurance Retirement Plans
  • Executive Bonus Plans
  • and more

With just a few details you can calculate your IUL and compare it to traditional plans and investments:

Indexed Universal Life Insurance Calculator: (Step 1 of 2)

Indexed Universal Life Insurance for Business Owners and High-Net Worth Individuals:

Why should business owners and high-net-worth individuals consider adding indexed universal life insurance to their portfolio? Life insurance is commonly used to provide financial protection in the event of premature death.

However, indexed universal life (IUL) insurance can provide more than just protection. It may be used in advanced strategies and methods for business owners and high-net-worth individuals, including:

  • Supplement Income During Retirement (Life Insurance Retirement Plan)
  • Buy-Sell Agreement
  • Split Dollar Plans
  • Deferred Compensation
  • Key-Man Coverage
  • Generate tax-deferred savings
  • Reduce market risk
  • Mitigate effects of market volatility

Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) has the flexibility to fit into any of the strategies listed above while protecting your assets from market volatility and reducing your overall risk.